
This weekend was fun, Shane and I headed out to the OZtoberFest in Wamego (pictures are up). The Wicked Witch Of The West scared the sh*t out of me, people were dressed up and it was a quaint little festival. The museum shouldn't have been $10 a person but it was cool never-the-less.

Came back from that and Shane messed around on Ebay for a while, I'm getting a new phone & it should be here by Thursday-ish. Cleaned the house & organized the bedroom/closet. Put all the summer clothes in a box and piled up all the clothes we don't want anymore. I'm either gonna get rid of them on RileyYardSales.com or take them to the Salvation Army.

Had a "double date" with Lacey & Chris Saturday night. We went to Crackle Barrel and got our asses kicked by the little triangle game thingie (Shane and I bought one so it could kick our asses at home).

Afterwards we went super retro and went to the skating rink in JC. Well, Shane brought his in-line skates and we all figured we could rent them while we were there. WRONG! hahaha. We got stuck with the old school skates. The ones with the "brake" in the front.

My throat STILL hurts from screaming everytime I *almost* fell. We left after 45 minutes cuz the place, first of all, was ghetto as shit. Plus there were random 8 year old skating everywhere trying to knock us over. We just felt too old when some highschool kids started a food fight.

I have to go into class tomorrow to get my results, hopefully I don't have to take the classes cuz they run til December 16th and I wanted to head back to Michigan before the Christmas break to get my drivers license and see friends & family.

Besides the four days we were home before Christmas, I haven't been home for a YEAR lol.

Some guy knocked on the door earlier and sprayed the house for bugs and all that jazz. At least progress is being made. Stupid fucking Picerne. I hate them even more than I hated Belew when we were in Tennessee.

I'm hungry- we have to go grocery shopping. We've somehow managed to avoid doing it for the last few days.
Ooer. I just remembered- I have candy corn



The art of being anonymous is a talent that I clearly do not posess. I bitched about Picerne on a public forum for Fort Riley- didn't use my real name or anything... Picerne knocked on my door this evening with all my postings in their hand. At least something's going to be done about the mold issue. Thank God.

Class was good today, found out my results from Tuesdays tests- got an A on my reading & writing tests and a B on my math. I thought I did SOOO much worse

Hung out with Lacey after class for a little bit and we met the hubbies for lunch up at the PX.

Tomorrow we have Lady's vet appointment and we're gonna start kitty litter training her.

Nothing exciting planned for the weekend, maybe I can convince Shane to go to the apple orchard so we can get real apple cider, doughnuts, and pumpkins (depending on which orchard we go to).

I should have
been a bitch.
I should have told them to fuck off.
I should have shoo-ed them out of my house with a friggin broom.
I should have contacted a health inspector and an outside building inspector.
I should have told them how I really felt.

That they're fucking us over with all the BAH they get they should be able to take better care of our buildings.
That they should light a fire on the maint. people's asses to fix the things that are wrong.
That they are responsible for any health issues that arise because of their lack of care for the buildings.
That they should be concerned with all the other people that posted things on that site complaining about the exact same thing that I was.
That they can't come into my God damn house showing me what I wrote on the internet and basically telling me to shut up (although they really didn't because I def would have thrown in their face my right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH)