'yeehaw" is the "hooah" of the south!

“Language... has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone" -Paul Tillich

I'm on a raspberry kick right now.
Raspberry tea.
Raspberry gum.
Raspberry Pop Tart.
Raspberry Nutrigrain Bars.
And to top it all off, Shane made raspberry JELL-O tonight

Yesterday sucked. I didn't go back to work.
I need another job.

I skipped out on work today.
I had a feeling I had to work and at about 6pm my phone dinged and told me I had a voicemail. It was my boss (one of like 7 I have) saying that I was supposed to work at 5 but don't worry about it because they were overstaffed and slow as hell.

There's been like a Will Smith marathon on TV today- HITCH, MEN IN BLACK, MEN IN BLACK II, IROBOT, and INDEPENDENCE DAY. (and I've had the theme song to the "Wild Wild West" movie stuck in my head all day)

I just haven't really been in a good mood lately. Snapping at everyone. Being a bitch for no reason- and no, before any of you ask, it's NOT PMS.
I tried playing SIMS to see if it would help, listening to music, trying to read. Nope. Notta.



everyday i'm hustlin'

Something major happens pretty early today that changes your thinking -- possibly in a deep, primal way! It's a good time to really reconsider your thinking about the big issues in your life.

I woke up at 5 this morning. I don't know why- I just sat up automatically and it was still dark, I looked at the clock & groaned... I took a half hour nap around 9am though. Mostly because I was SUPPOSED to work at noon.

I walk in the door about five minutes early for work and all the bosses that were there stop & looked at me. "Oh you didn't get our message?" Thomas said. I looked at my phone & surely enough they'd called while I was in the shower telling me I didn't have to come in today.
Thank God Shane was just around the corner!

So we come up to the gate and I didn't have my ID- we drove through the visitor area and told them I didn't have my ID with me. The guard looked at me and asked what Shane's SS was- I rambled it off unsure of what it really- thankfully I guessed it right! (thanks to all the TRICARE forms I've had to fill out in the last few months). The guard didn't seem convinced and he asked if I had anything with both our names on it- I thought I still had the direct deposit paperwork in my bag for work. So I dig in my bag and low & behold there's my wallet.

Got home, typed up a cheat sheet for work- I've gotta take a damn test on the 5th that decides A- if I'm allowed to work there and B- how many hours I'll get a week if I do. It's stupid, it'll cover the menu, phone etiquette, register procedure, ect ect. They'll time our sammich making and slicing ability, sooo stupid. Oh well, I'm gonna study my stupid butt off. I can't afford to keep these damn hours anymore. I need more otherwise it's not even worth it.

They told me I'll be working from 5-10 tonight, but I'm gonna call them at like 4 to see if they need me. There's no point in driving all the way out to Manhattan for five seconds to see if I'm working or not.

I just need to put in my two weeks notice. Why did I even bother to "hustle" hours from them- I'm not working anyways! I'm always that "extra guy" there. GRRRR.

Watched BLOW DRY with Josh Hartnett in it last night- made me even more excited for school to start. I've gotta start doing some of that stuff too.

I found a NETFLIX for books! I can't wait to start using it.

Shane's outside changing the oil on his truck. It's kinda cloudy and chilly outside right now, perfect football weather! ONE MORE WEEK TIL THE FIRST GAME!!!! Sooo excited.

I guess that's all for now, sweet Neverland. Life's currently boring and nothing to really write about.



"the ups and downs and crazy turns along the way it'll throw you off if you don't hold on tight"

Friday night was amazing. We went to the mall, I got a new Sarah Dessen book, had mall Chinese food, and we went and saw the GI JOE movie. I'm officially cured of any Channing Tatum obsession I've ever had, but it was a good movie.

Saturday came too soon though... I woke up with a headache, on the sofa, still in my jeans. I called Jimmy John's to see if they wanted me to work that night and what time I should be there. Russell said from 5pm to whenever I wanted to leave.

So I was planning on staying until close.

I get to work and I start "scrubbing the deck"- meaning mopping the floor with a scrub brush and doing it with a shizz ton of force and my arms hurt afterwards. I got a popped blister/calus that still looks gross. I did that for the first hour that I was there.

Both cold tables were open and working and the door was beeping every couple of minutes. The K-State marching band blocked our storefront for a while during their pep ralley thingy. It was loud and obnoxious for the most part.

So then I looked at the schedule for the next two weeks.
My name wasn't on it.
At all.

I was pissed.
Livid actually.

I'm sick of the Jimmy world jerking me around.
It's such bullshit.

I clocked out last night at 10pm.

The neighbor girls knocked on the door a little while after we got home. They needed a 4th person for beer pong. After the night I had- I was in.

Didn't get drunk. Didn't even get buzzed.
Just a chill feeling.

I decided that if they couldn't put me on the schedule for the next two weeks- for at least 20 hours (because otherwise it's not worth it) then I was going to give them my two weeks notice.

I called a few minutes ago.
I don't have seniority or priority. The hours I can work are pretty much saved for those people who worked there last semester.

This is pissing me off so bad!

I'm looking for a new job now... I'm not putting up with this shit.




naps & dreams

I just woke up from a nap with Lady (who's behaving herself now lol).
While I was sleeping on the sofa I had the strangest dream- I think I'm watching too much TUDORS. Very old school, kind of my depiction of how I'd gotten my maiden name. Rain & storms, refusal of some sorts, just very random & out there. Def means I've been watching too much TUDORS. It was very interesting never-the-less.

o gentle sleep I hardly knew ye!

Lady woke me up at the ass crack of dawn this morning- and every hour on the hour after that. I put her into bed with me and she attacked my face. I'm exhausted & Lady is being disobediant today. We've gotta teach her "no" and smack her butt but it hurts me to do so. I don't want her to hate me and I want her to still play. I don't want her to think "no biting" means "no coming near Mommy". I'm so lost as to how to train a puppy

I'm still quite irked about the lack of hours they've given me this week at work. At least I have tonight off, Shane and I are going to have a little "date night"- going out to supper and to see GI JOE. Yay Channing Tatum!

I'm hungry, but I don't know what I want to eat. Hmmm...

Woah, creepy part in Tudors.



almost 1am now...

it's midnight thirty
I can't sleep.
Shane's sleeping in the bedroom, he's got a BNOC PT test in a few short hours.
I worked until 10pm, it was slow as hell, all we did was bullshit pretty much. None of the after-dinner cleaning was done either lol.
Lisa (my super cool neighbor) picked me up from work because Shane had to sleep. She's pretty cool, I like her a lot. Her hubby's deploying on Tuesday

They're cutting my hours this week at work- which is bullshit in my opinion. They've hired a shit ton of people for the school year and they're letting them take all the hours. I got my paycheck today, it blew. Ughhhh. I wish I could find a better job! NO ONE is hiring in this area (except all the bars in Manhattan/Aggieville, but I am not working in a friggin' bar).

I don't have to work today (Friday) because of the new people. Saturday I'm still going in even though I'm not scheduled to- it's supposed to be busy as hell and Russell (my boss) said I could come in and help if I wanted to. So around 4:15pm I'm gonna call up there and see if they need me and when they want me to come in.


I'm starting to feel that pang of homesickness again.

I've been watching THE TUDORS on NetFlix.com lately, we've got a subscription now so I can watch the stuff they have for the instant watch whenever I want to on my laptop. They don't have TRUEBLOOD though

I just looked at my counter thingy and see I'm up to 1005 blog views since I started this Myspace. Not bad I guess, esp considering no one reads blogs EVER.

I'm gonna watch my COLD CASE episodes on the DVR then prolly crash- don't know if I'm gonna go try to sleep on the bed, I don't wanna wake the hubs up. He's worried about this upcoming PT test because the raters are picky as hell I guess. He'll do great, I know he will but he doesn't think he'll do too hot on the push ups. At least with all the hill running they've been doing since he's gotten to this unit will help him in the flat lands of Camp Funstun (aka- Funion Field).

Goodnight fair Neverland!



oogie boogie

Your thirst for travel is stronger than usual, so you may find that you are better off moving out on your own than staying pent up in an office or apartment. Even a crosstown journey is a thrill.

Hmmmmm.... interesting.. I'll take my horoscope into consideration today.

Last night Shane made an AMAZING supper of chicken and potatoes- a whole chicken that is... with stuffing that included walnuts and apples.
It was sooooo good!

I didn't wake up until noon today, couldn't sleep worth a damn last night.

Lady's still chewing on EVERYTHING. She's whimpering right now because I'm ignoring her because she chewed on my laptop...AGAIN.

I have to work tonight from 5-10. I think tomorrow's pay day.

I'm looking at getting a new phone for myself. The LG Xenon. I've always been an LG girl lol. If the Blackberry wasn't so stupid I might consider getting one. Shane bought a phone off a friend for like $20 and he said I could use his iPhone but nahhh, I hate that damn thing. He hates Apple products now because of that phone and I can't afford to dislike Apple, my computer is Apple, my music source is Apple.

Nothing new is really going on. I'm kinda bored right now, Shane's at work and I'm at home with Lady.

Laundry's in the washer- including my work pants and shirt.
I'll prolly do the dishes sometime soon.
Take Lady outside to play for a minute.
Listen to some crappy music via Pandora Radio (cuz I'm cool like dat).
Then get ready for work.




orange juice (minus the much needed vodka)

Good morning Neverland!
I watched the sun rise this morning- mostly because I couldn't sleep because my stomach was attacking me (again). But I'm feeling better now that I"ve had something to eat (cereal) and drink (OJ).

Last night I didn't have to work so Shane and I went over to Jess & Tim's house for dinner. There were 6 itty bitties running around like crazy with The Collins' two Great Dane puppies. We'd brought Lady along with us and I was terrified at first that the other dogs would eat her alive, but after they all sniffed each other I put Lady down and she went off to play with them- trying to eat their tails... it was too cute. The other puppies were sort of taken aback by her- to them, Lady is a chew toy that moves lol.

The other couples there seemed... snooty.
They didn't really talk to Jessica or me because we didn't have kids. They laughed at us for being concerned about the kids (who were biting the dust every other step they each took and falling over in the chairs).

I've never been discriminated against because I didn't have kids.... it was really weird. It also pissed me off that they ignored Jess at her own damn house! Who does that!? Jessica said that she didn't like a lot of the other wives because they ignored her, didn't include her in conversations, and had a "clique" of their own and Jessica didn't fit the bill I guess- I'm now in that lovely outcast category.


I'm not getting into the whole army wife drama- people think it's just like the show (and it's NOT). I strongly dislike most of the wives I've met thus far.....


I'm still exhausted. I think I might dig Lady out of whatever hiding spot she's created today and snuggle with her in bed and take another nap.... I didn't sleep worth a damn last night.

It stormed pretty bad this morning- the winds kept on blowing open our patio door that leads into the kitchen and the kitchen floor was soaked and I tried my best to dry it all up before Shane had to get up for work.

Went grocery shopping last night too-- lovely task on pay day weekend esp cuz we were in a rush to make it to Jess & Tim's on time.
Shane's gonna try to make a whole stuffed chicken tonight for supper- it might end up being a pizza night, but we'll see. The picture on the recepie looks AMAZING and it made my mouth water when Shane showed it to me. *fingers crossed*

My cousin posted some really old photos that blew my mind. My uncle's wedding- I was like 7 I think, I don't remember, but it's a MAJOR blast from the past! I laughed as I clicked the "next" button and saw more of my family members in horrible hair do's or clothes but smiled when I saw that we were all laughing and having a good time.

Angela's thinking about road-tripping it down here sometime in late October.

The Cosmetology school put my maiden name on my acceptance letter, I find this interesting because I don't remember ever telling them my maiden name let alone writing it down. Oh well, they know who I am.

Work again on Tuesday (I think). Bar shifts this weekend. Still looking for a better and closer job though. I hate drunk stupid people.

I have an irrational urge to watch MOULIN ROUGE. I have it all memorized still and was even reciting the words in my head earlier, but I still wanna watch it. It's like one of the few DVDs we don't have... I'll have to hunt it down online somewhere once I wake up from my nap.

I have a case of the Mondays....




I think it was yesterday, maybe the day before, when I blogged about getting food poisoning so I could get my "sexy" abs back... I think I jinxed myself. I feel like shit right now, I ate my usual tuna & bacon sammich from work when I got home and about a half hour ago my stomach started churning. My head is pounding and I just feel like shit,

Work wasn't too bad tonight, quite slow, a lot of pulling bread, and we just stood around BSing most of the evening.
Not a bad way to spend a night.

Finally watched all of the
Degrassi movie. It sucked- def too hyped up. Shane makes fun of me for watching it still, but I've watched it since the first episode of the new generation so I'm kinda hooked.

I'm sooo glad I don't have to work again til like Tuesday (I think). I'm also glad I didn't have to work the damn bar shift tonight. I wasn't even scheduled to work today but since I called in sick on Monday to take Lady to the vet, I had to cover for the chick that covered me earlier this week.

Right now I"m watching
Cold Mountain, I haven't seen it in forever and a day, it's edited and has commercials but oh well. I've read the book more times than I can count though.

Speaking of books, I need to expand my library! I need new material to dive into and obsess with. There's like nine book stores near my work that I wanna go explore in once I get paid.

This weekend is the Woodward Dream Cruise. I'm no where near Michigan and no one down here gets the whole deal with it. I tried to explain the whole map/hand thing, none of my co-workers get it... or get me really.
I feel so out of place with the people around me.

I don't drink.
I'm not much of a partier anymore.
I don't have any friends here... or anywhere really.

I wish I had a life.
I wish I sitll had that un-canny ability to make friends with anyone anywhere.

Well, that's all for tonight fair Neverland....
I'm in desperate need of a halfway decent sleep this night.
