
This weekend was fun, Shane and I headed out to the OZtoberFest in Wamego (pictures are up). The Wicked Witch Of The West scared the sh*t out of me, people were dressed up and it was a quaint little festival. The museum shouldn't have been $10 a person but it was cool never-the-less.

Came back from that and Shane messed around on Ebay for a while, I'm getting a new phone & it should be here by Thursday-ish. Cleaned the house & organized the bedroom/closet. Put all the summer clothes in a box and piled up all the clothes we don't want anymore. I'm either gonna get rid of them on RileyYardSales.com or take them to the Salvation Army.

Had a "double date" with Lacey & Chris Saturday night. We went to Crackle Barrel and got our asses kicked by the little triangle game thingie (Shane and I bought one so it could kick our asses at home).

Afterwards we went super retro and went to the skating rink in JC. Well, Shane brought his in-line skates and we all figured we could rent them while we were there. WRONG! hahaha. We got stuck with the old school skates. The ones with the "brake" in the front.

My throat STILL hurts from screaming everytime I *almost* fell. We left after 45 minutes cuz the place, first of all, was ghetto as shit. Plus there were random 8 year old skating everywhere trying to knock us over. We just felt too old when some highschool kids started a food fight.

I have to go into class tomorrow to get my results, hopefully I don't have to take the classes cuz they run til December 16th and I wanted to head back to Michigan before the Christmas break to get my drivers license and see friends & family.

Besides the four days we were home before Christmas, I haven't been home for a YEAR lol.

Some guy knocked on the door earlier and sprayed the house for bugs and all that jazz. At least progress is being made. Stupid fucking Picerne. I hate them even more than I hated Belew when we were in Tennessee.

I'm hungry- we have to go grocery shopping. We've somehow managed to avoid doing it for the last few days.
Ooer. I just remembered- I have candy corn



The art of being anonymous is a talent that I clearly do not posess. I bitched about Picerne on a public forum for Fort Riley- didn't use my real name or anything... Picerne knocked on my door this evening with all my postings in their hand. At least something's going to be done about the mold issue. Thank God.

Class was good today, found out my results from Tuesdays tests- got an A on my reading & writing tests and a B on my math. I thought I did SOOO much worse

Hung out with Lacey after class for a little bit and we met the hubbies for lunch up at the PX.

Tomorrow we have Lady's vet appointment and we're gonna start kitty litter training her.

Nothing exciting planned for the weekend, maybe I can convince Shane to go to the apple orchard so we can get real apple cider, doughnuts, and pumpkins (depending on which orchard we go to).

I should have
been a bitch.
I should have told them to fuck off.
I should have shoo-ed them out of my house with a friggin broom.
I should have contacted a health inspector and an outside building inspector.
I should have told them how I really felt.

That they're fucking us over with all the BAH they get they should be able to take better care of our buildings.
That they should light a fire on the maint. people's asses to fix the things that are wrong.
That they are responsible for any health issues that arise because of their lack of care for the buildings.
That they should be concerned with all the other people that posted things on that site complaining about the exact same thing that I was.
That they can't come into my God damn house showing me what I wrote on the internet and basically telling me to shut up (although they really didn't because I def would have thrown in their face my right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH)


mmmm Funfetti yummmmmy

I have "Desperado" by The Eagles stuck in my head, it's been there all day. I catch myself singing it or humming it or tapping my fingers against the desk to the beat of it.
It's driving me crazy.

Shane and I had a lazy day today. He got HALO 3: ODST last night and he had to beat his XBox to make it work. So he played that all day and I reloaded SIMS 2 on his computer and we played our games in our seperate corners lol.

Lovely spaghetti for supper, I made the Funfetti cake again- even let Shane put the sprinkles on it. I have a toothache now from the sugar rush it gave me. I decided to be a good neighbor and take a few pieces down to Lisa.

Lady's running around the house like a maniac right now. She's been sooo good today (and yesterday too) but she's been begging for attention for a while now. She's getting soo big. Yesterday she got stuck underneath the coffee table (one of her favorite hide-outs) and had a hard time getting out.

At least it didn't rain today, it was actually kind of nice but the house (for some reason) spiked to a billion degrees.

My first set of tests for my GED is on Tuesday. I'm nervous. WISH ME LUCK!


Lady's mad at her reflection because it doesn't play back

I've been reading a lot lately, mostly thanks to the PaperSpine program I'm now in. Right now I'm going through Sarah Dessen's collection of books, re-reading all the ones I've already read, most I haven't looked at in YEARS.

Trying to find a new myspace layout (and blog set) but stupid Myspace 2.0 SUCKS.

I'm not feeling too hot today. My eyes are burning, there is water damage in the hallway of our building and I think it's got mold but stupid Picerne won't do anything about it. It's driving me crazy, the sneezing the itchy eyes, ughhhh.

I got my orange duct tape and I plan on practicing with normal duct tape for my costume. I've got people on the look out for gold/bronze colored spandex leggings. I'm happy with my costume

idea :)

I'm getting better at math, it's like riding a bike. I found this website that makes up tests for you to practice with. Hopefully I won't bomb the real thing.

I got a lot off my chest yesterday when I talked to my Dad and with Shane. Now all I've gotta do is wait for Angela or Elyse to come down here.

I feel better, keeping things bottled up inside takes too much energy.

I got a package from my mom yesterday, which prolly set off all the emotions- literally opening Pandora's box.
She made Shane and me a quilt (and made Lady a smaller, matching one).
I made some tea, wrapped myself in it, and had a good cry. It smelled like her. I love it.

So life is good right now, except for the annoying fact that telemarketers have been blowing up my cell phone all day.

I'm about to read some more of my book & do the dishes that I neglected to do last night.


Almost Famous

Almost famous is one of the greatest movies ever...I love every single scene, every single quote, every single song...
I cried, sang, laughed and fell in love with this movie the first time that I watched it...and now, I can't stop loving it, no matter how many time I'll watch it. That's because I made this picspam with some of my favourite quotes ..hope you like it...enjoy


Anita Miller : One day... you'll be cool.

man,young william, is like the cutest kid ...love him, I wanna give him a big hug!

We inspire the music. We're here because of the music.

love the first scene between Russell and Penny Lane (like the song)

- Play on. - Miss Penny Lane.

Act One, in which she pretends she doesn't care...
about him.
Act Two, in which he pretends he doesn't care about her...
but he goes right for her.
Act Three, in which it all plays out...
the way she planned it.
She'll eat him alive.

Russell: I'm telling secrets to the one guy you don't tell secrets to.

I basically adore all the scenes between Russell and William

Ladies and Gentelmen! The evening is over. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves and we'll see you all again in 1974. Good evening!

Hold me closer tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
you had a busy day today

William Miller: I have to go home.
Penny Lane: You are home.

this is one of my very favourite scenes in a movie ever...everyone singing Tiny Dancer in the bus.

Deflower. - Opie must die

love Penny, she's just too beautiful

What am I to you? Huh? Tell me.
Tell me right now. What am I to you?

hahahah william's lines are love

PENNY:honey, you're too sweet for rock and roll.
WILLIAM: Sweet? Where do you get off?
Where do you get sweet?
I am dark and mysterious and pissed off!.
And I could be very dangerous to all of you.
I am not sweet!
And you should know that about me. I am the Enemy!
PENNY:Look, you should be happy for me.
You don't know what he says to me in private.
Maybe it is love, as much as it can be for somebody--
WILLIAM:Who sold you to Humble Pie for bucks and a case of beer?
I was there.
I was there!
PENNY:Oh, God.
WILLIAM:I'm sorry.
PENNY:What kind of beer?

this scene is really sad, and Kate did a great job on it, gotta love beautiful ladies crying

Damn it, I'm gonna enjoy this. When I first bought the magazine...
the Beatles were on the cover.
The Beatles. Four of them, four of us.
We take all kind of pills that give us all kind of thrills
But the thrill we never know was the thrill that'll get you
When you get your picture on the cover of Rolling Stone
Wanna see my picture on the cover
Gonna buy five copies for my mother
Wanna see my smiling face on the cover
Of Rolling Stone

I hated this part, the exwife-now girlfriend thing of Russell

I am no good at good-byes.
And you...
are the last of my...
old-time friends

william:What about your mom?
Penny:She always said, '' Marry up.
Marry someone grand.''
And that's why she named me '' Lady.''
william:She named you '' Lady'' ?
Penny:Lady Goodman.
william:Lady Goodman-- that's great.
Penny:Now you know all my secrets. You've got me.
See you back in the real world.
Thank you, William Miller.

finally He knows her real name...he's maybe the only one in that world who really knows her

Russell Hammond: Write what you want.

I hated this, this band was a big part in william's life, and he's just about say good-bye and it's like no one cares...

Jeff Bebe: "Rock 'n' roll can save the world"? "The chicks are great"? I sound like a dick!
Russell Hammond: [to himself] You are a dick.

[Finally getting his interview with Russell Hammond]
William Miller: So Russell... what do you love about music?
Russell Hammond: To begin with, everything.

simply amazing...love how it ends between them.and William finally gets his interview!

Penny Lane: Morocco. A seat by the window, please.


LeeLoo & Corbin Dallas

Found my Halloween costume.
Well, not really "found", being that I have to make it, but still.


LeeLoo Dallas
All I need is some orange duct tape (so I can make the suspenders because I can't find them ANYWHERE online), and some gold leggings (which are impossible to find for anything less than $40 online, I'll have to go shopping I guess).

And this is perfect because the Corbin costume is easy enough to find & stuff Shane in



my latest addiction


You've GOTTA check OMGPop! I've been playing silly games like "Draw My Thing" and "Letterbox". Total wasted time: somewhere in the ballpark of 12 hours, and I've only had it for a week.

Check it out & tell me what ya think
